[FOM] Some observations on infinity
Andrew Boucher
Helene.Boucher at wanadoo.fr
Fri Jan 3 19:03:16 EST 2003
This is a follow-up to the postings of Alexander Zenkin and Dean
Buckner on infinity.
I am partisan for distinguishing *three* different concepts of infinity,
which despite the riskiness of using terms with a history, I would call
potential infinity, actual infinity, and ad infinitum. To delineate
these concepts, consider second-order logic with arithmetical
comprehension and with a (third-order) number relationship Mn,P, which
says "P has the number n" (like the "#P = n" of Frege Arithmetic, only
totality is not assumed), and a number predicate Nn, which says "n is a
finite number".
! = not,
[..] = there exists ..
Use "potential" infinity (POTINF) to label
(n) (Nn => [P][a] ( !Pa & Mn,P )),
that is for every finite number n, there exist things numbering n and
one more thing.
Use "actual" infinity (ACTINF) to label
[P](n) ! ( Nn & Mn,P ),
that is there are things which are not numbered by any natural number.
And use "ad infinitum" (ADINF) to label
(n)(P)(a)(Nn & Mn,P & !Pa => [m](Nm & Mm,{x : Px V x = a}))
that is whenever there are a finite number of things and one other
thing, there exists a finite number numbering all these things.
Of the eight possibilities, only two (I hope I have this right) cannot hold:
Univ = {0,1}. ! N0 & N1. M0,P <=> ! [x] Px. M1,P <=> [x] Px. (Note
that the empty set is actually infinite.)
Univ = {0}. N0. M0,P <=> ! [x] Px. (Note that {0} is actually infinite.)
Univ = {0}. N0. M0,P for all P.
Not possible, since ! ADINF => ACTINF. Pf: Because ! ADINF, for some
n,P,a we have that Nn & Mn,P & !Pa but .
But then {x : Px V x = a} is actually infinite, i.e. ACTINF.
Univ = {0,2}. !N0 & N2. M0,P <=> ! [x] Px. M2,P <=> [a][b](Pa & Pb &
(c)(Pc => c = a & c = b)). (Note that {0} is actually infinite.)
Univ = {0,2}. N0 & N2. M0,P <=> ! [x] Px. M2,P <=> [a][b](Pa & Pb &
(c)(Pc => c = a & c = b)). (Note that {0} is actually infinite.)
Univ = {0,1}. N0 & N1. M0,P for all P. M1,P for no P.
Not possible, since ! ADINF => ACTINF.
Because of the model presented for 1), there exists a finite model in
which all three are true. Of course, this is less interesting than it
seems (if it seems interesting at all!), because no assumptions have
been made about N or M which make them correspond to their intended
meaning. What would, I hope, be interesting is if one could present
axioms which determine N and M to have their "true" meaning, but still
allow one or more of these three infinities to hold in a finite model.
This is not the case for ADINF. To see this, use "P ~ Q" to abbreviate:
"[R] ( R is a one-to-one function from P onto Q)
Then there is no finite model in which all these three are true:
1) N0 & (P)(M0,P <=> (x) ! Px)
2) Finite Hume's Principle (without assetions of uniqueness or
existence), i.e.
(P)(Q)(n)(Nn & Mn,P => (Mn,Q <=> P ~ Q))
Pf: By 1), N0 & M0,{} & !{}0, where we use {} for the empty predicate.
By ADINF there exists 1 s.t. N1 & M1,{0}. If 1 = 0, then {} ~ {0} by
FHP, a contradiction. So !{0}1. By ADINF, there exists 2 s.t. N2 &
M2,{0,1}. Again by FHP, if 2 = 0, then {} ~ {0,1}. And if 2 = 1, then
by FHP {0,1} ~ {0}. Both are contradictions, so !{0,1}2. And so on.
However, there is a system, which seems to set N and M their "usual"
meaning (minus of course that N continues ad infinitum), which can prove
POTINF and ACTINF, and which *does* have a finite model. Use
Sn,m to mean "m follows n (in the natural number sequence)",
a relationship which is not assumed to be total on N.
Consider the following axioms:
(F1) Uniquesness of numbering
(n)(m)(P)(Mn,P & Mm,P => n = m)
(F2) Zero
(P)(M0,P <=> (x) ! Px)
(F3) Successoring
(P)(Q)(a)(n)(m)(Nn & Sn,m & !Pa & (x)(Qx <=> Px V x = a) => (Mm,Q <=> Mn,P))
(F4) Full Induction. From phi(0) and (n)(m)(Nn & Sn,m & phi(n) =>
phi(m)), infer (n)(Nn => phi(n)).
(F5) N0
Set F = {F1,F2,F3,F4}. Then F and indeed F + {F5} is evidently
satisfied by a finite model, indeed one with a singleton domain, {0}.
It turns out that F (with only arithmetic comprehension) can prove both
POTINF and ACTINF. The proof of POTINF follows the Fregean technique:
n numbers {0,...,n-1}, to which n does not belong. ACTINF follows as a
straightfoward consequence. F captures a fair amount of our intuitive
notion of N and M, because e.g. it can prove FHP (as stated above), the
Pigeon Hole Principle, etc.
Let me linger on this for a moment, to emphasize the Skolemish nature.
A model of F can be finite - indeed it can be any initial segment of
the naturals, including the singleton {0} -, but it can prove assertions
which seem fairly to transcribe the notion of potential and actual
infinity. The set of all finite numbers is infinite even if it looks
finite from the outside, because even if it is finite - say {0,...,n} -
on the outside, there would not exist a finite number big enough (n + 1)
on the inside to number all of them.
Although I cannot speak definitively in anyone else's name, it would
seem that ultrafinitists are on safe ground only denying ADINF, less
safe ground denying either POTINF or ACTINF.
PS. Remark that F + {F5,F6} suffice to prove the Peano Axioms. By
itself, F is an extremely strong system - I would conjecture it could
prove Fermat's Last Theorem.
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